Pay attention to your moles!
There are numerous moles of varying sizes, shapes and colours. Mostly the moles are harmless. However, there are a few which could become malignant melanoma (skin cancer). Cosmetically some moles may be unappealing or may be located in an undesirable place in an unattractive shape.
A mole is formed when a group of cells called melanocytes grow in a cluster at a particular spot on the body. They may be flat or protruding.
A mole may be removed in several ways:
Whether a mole needs a cosmetic treatment or to be determined whether it is potentially dangerous or not is where Dr. Lavanya’s clinic comes in. Being a highly trained and certified dermatology specialist Dr. Lavanya diagnoses and devises a suitable treatment plan. Remember skin cancer is preventable. Seek peace of mind by getting checked in our Chennai clinic.